Meaning and origin of the name Kimiya

Gender: Male

Kimiya is used in



Kimiya is a beautiful name of Persian origin. In Persian, the name Kimiya means "alchemy" or "transmutation". This unique name carries a sense of transformation and change, symbolizing the ability to turn something ordinary into something precious and valuable.

In Persian culture, Kimiya is a name that reflects the mystical and enchanting world of alchemy, where substances are transformed and purified to create something new and extraordinary. Those named Kimiya are often believed to possess a special connection to the spiritual and metaphysical realms, embodying the power of change and transformation in their lives.

With its deep-rooted meaning and captivating sound, Kimiya is a name that carries a sense of mystery and magic, making it a wonderful choice for parents seeking a name that is both meaningful and unique for their child.
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