Meaning and origin of the name Kiều

Gender: Female

Kiều is used in



Kieu is a name of Vietnamese origin that is commonly used for girls. In Vietnamese culture, names are chosen with great thought and care, often carrying significant meanings and symbolism.

Meaning of the name Kieu

The name Kieu is said to mean "gentle" or "graceful" in Vietnamese. It is a name that conveys qualities of tenderness, elegance, and beauty. Those named Kieu are often seen as kind-hearted individuals with a serene presence.

Usage of the name Kieu

In Vietnamese society, the name Kieu reflects a sense of refinement and poise. It is a name that is cherished for its delicate and charming sound, making it a popular choice for baby girls.

Whether chosen for its meaning or its melodic quality, the name Kieu holds a special place in Vietnamese culture as a symbol of grace and femininity.
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