Meaning and origin of the name Kornélia

Gender: Female
Also available in German, Hungarian, Polish,

Kornélia is used in

Germany Hungary Netherlands Poland Slovakia

Countries where Kornélia has name day

Kornélia is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Kornélia's name day is Mars 31.
Kornélia is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Kornélia's name day is November 26.
Kornélia is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Kornélia's name day is Mars 3.
Kornélia is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Kornélia's name day is Mars 31.
Kornélia is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Kornélia's name day is December 17.


Kornelia is a beautiful and unique name with origins in ancient Roman culture. It is a variant of the name Cornelia, which comes from the Latin word "cornu" meaning "horn". The name has a strong and powerful meaning, symbolizing strength and resilience.

In Roman mythology, Cornelia was the name of a noble Roman woman known for her intelligence and virtue. She was the mother of the famous Gracchi brothers, who were influential figures in Roman history.

The name Kornelia is popular in various European countries and is often used to honor traditions and heritage. It carries a sense of elegance and sophistication, making it a charming choice for a baby girl.

Namedays for Kornelia may vary depending on the country and cultural customs. It is celebrated in different ways by people who bear this name, reflecting the diversity of traditions across the world.

Overall, Kornelia is a name that exudes grace and strength, embodying the rich history and significance of its Roman roots. It is a timeless choice that will surely stand out and leave a lasting impression.
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