Meaning and origin of the name Korwin

Korwin is used in


Countries where Korwin has name day

Korwin is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Korwin's name day is September 8.
Korwin is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Korwin's name day is November 20.


Korwin is a unique and strong name of Slavic origin. It is derived from the Polish word "korwin," which means "crest" or "horn." The name has a rich history and is associated with nobility and strength.

In Slavic cultures, names often carry significant meanings and symbolism. Korwin is a name that signifies power, courage, and resilience. It is a name that is often chosen for its strong and masculine connotations.

Individuals named Korwin are believed to possess qualities such as leadership, determination, and a strong sense of self. They are often seen as confident individuals who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in.

The name Korwin is not very common, making it a distinctive choice for parents looking for a name that is both traditional and unique. Its strong sound and noble origins make it a fitting choice for a boy who is destined for greatness.

Overall, Korwin is a name that carries a sense of pride and strength, making it a wonderful choice for parents seeking a name with historical significance and a powerful presence.
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