Meaning and origin of the name Kosta‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Kosta‎ is used in

Bulgaria Serbia

Countries where Kosta‎ has name day

Kosta‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Kosta‎'s name day is May 21.


Kosta is a name of Greek origin, derived from the name Konstantinos. It is a popular name in Greece and other countries with Greek influence. The name Kosta is often used as a short form or nickname for Konstantinos, which means "constant" or "steadfast" in Greek.

In Greek culture, the name Kosta is associated with qualities such as reliability, loyalty, and determination. People named Kosta are believed to be strong-willed and persistent in pursuing their goals. The name carries a sense of endurance and strength, reflecting the meaning of its root name, Konstantinos.

Kosta is a name that exudes a sense of stability and resilience, making it a popular choice for those who value these qualities. Whether used on its own or as a nickname for Konstantinos, the name Kosta carries a sense of tradition and heritage, connecting individuals to their Greek roots.

Overall, the name Kosta is a distinctive and meaningful choice for those who appreciate its Greek origin and the virtues it represents.
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