Meaning and origin of the name Krištof

Gender: Male
Also available in Hungarian,

Krištof is used in

Hungary Netherlands Slovakia

Countries where Krištof has name day

Krištof is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Krištof's name day is Mars 15.
Krištof is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Krištof's name day is July 24.
Krištof is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Krištof's name day is July 28.


Kristóf is a masculine given name with Hungarian origins. It is the Hungarian form of the name Christopher. The name Kristóf is derived from the Greek name ???st?f???? (Christóforos), which means "Christ-bearer" or "bearer of Christ." This name has religious connotations, symbolizing carrying Christ in one's heart or actions.

In Hungary, Kristóf is a popular name among boys. It is often associated with qualities like strength, faith, and devotion. The name may also be chosen for its historical and cultural significance in Hungarian society.

Nameday celebrations for Kristóf may vary depending on local customs and traditions. In Hungary, namedays are an important part of the culture, and individuals named Kristóf may celebrate on a specific day dedicated to this name. The exact date for Kristóf's nameday can be checked in Hungarian calendars or online resources.

Overall, Kristóf is a meaningful and timeless name with a rich history and a profound significance. It carries with it a sense of honor and reverence, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name with spiritual and traditional roots.
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