Meaning and origin of the name Laili

Laili is used in


Countries where Laili has name day

Laili is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Laili's name day is Mars 5.


Laili is a beautiful and unique name of Persian origin. In Persian, the name Laili is often associated with the meaning "beloved" or "darling". It is a name that exudes charm and elegance.

In Persian culture, names hold significant meaning and are carefully chosen to reflect the values and aspirations of the parents. The name Laili carries a sense of love and endearment, making it a popular choice for baby girls.

Although there is no specific nameday associated with the name Laili, it is a name that is cherished by many for its sweet and romantic connotations. If you are considering a name that is both exotic and meaningful, Laili could be the perfect choice for your little one.
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