Meaning and origin of the name Laszlo

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian, Hungarian,

Laszlo is used in

Bulgaria Hungary

Countries where Laszlo has name day

Laszlo is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Laszlo's name day is June 27.
Laszlo is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Laszlo's name day is August 8.

Origin and Meaning of the Name László

The name László is of Hungarian origin. It is derived from the Slavic name Vladislav, which means "glorious ruler" or "one who rules with glory."

Popularity and Usage

László is a traditional Hungarian name that has been popular in Hungary for centuries. It is a common name with a strong historical significance in Hungarian culture.


The nameday for László is celebrated in Hungary and other countries with Hungarian roots. It is a special day to honor individuals named László and is usually marked with well wishes and celebrations among family and friends.

Famous Bearers

Several notable figures have borne the name László, including László Moholy-Nagy, a Hungarian painter and photographer known for his work in the Bauhaus movement. Another famous bearer is László Bíró, the inventor of the ballpoint pen.

In conclusion, the name László carries a sense of power and glory, reflecting its historical roots and significance in Hungarian culture.
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