Meaning and origin of the name Lazarus

Lazarus is used in

Austria Germany

Countries where Lazarus has name day

Lazarus is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Lazarus's name day is December 17.
Lazarus is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Lazarus's name day is December 17.


Origin: The name Lazarus has Hebrew roots and is derived from the name Eleazar, meaning "God has helped" or "whom God helps."


In biblical context, Lazarus was a man who was raised from the dead by Jesus in the New Testament. The name carries connotations of rebirth, resurrection, and divine intervention.


The name Lazarus is used in various cultures and has a strong religious significance. It is not only a symbol of miraculous events but also represents hope and faith in many traditions.


The name Lazarus may have various nameday celebrations in different cultures, often associated with religious observances and feast days.
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