Meaning and origin of the name Lengvine

Lengvine is used in


Countries where Lengvine has name day

Lengvine is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Lengvine's name day is August 3.


The name Lengvine is of French origin. It has a unique and beautiful meaning that signifies "graceful spirit" or "charming soul". The name has a certain elegance and sophistication to it, making it a wonderful choice for a baby girl.

In French culture, names often carry deep meanings and are chosen with care to reflect positive qualities or aspirations for the child. Lengvine embodies a sense of gracefulness and charm, which are highly valued traits.

Choosing a name like Lengvine for your child can set a positive tone for their life journey, inspiring them to embody the qualities of grace and charm in all that they do. It is a name that carries a sense of sophistication and beauty, making it a lovely choice for any parent seeking a meaningful and elegant name for their daughter.
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