Usage, description and more for Leonóra

Gender: Female    Origin: Hungarian
Also available in German, Spanish, Basque, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål,

Leonóra is used in

CHSwitzerland DEGermany GBUnited Kingdom ARArgentina ESSpain HUHungary ITItaly LTLithuania LVLatvia NONorway

Countries where Leonóra has name day

Leonóra has a name day in HUHungary and Leonóra's next name day is Mars 6 (next year).
Leonóra has a name day in LTLithuania and Leonóra's next name day is May 27.
Leonóra has a name day in LVLatvia and Leonóra's next name day is July 11.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Leonora

The name Leonora has origins in multiple cultures. It is derived from the Greek name "Eleonora" and the Italian name "Leonora."

Leonora is often interpreted as meaning "light" or "shining light." The name carries connotations of brightness, illumination, and warmth.

While not as common as some other names, Leonora has a timeless appeal and a classic elegance that many parents find attractive.

Famous Namesakes:
Notable individuals with the name Leonora include Leonora Carrington, a British-born Mexican artist and writer known for her surrealist works.

Variants of the name Leonora include Eleonora, Lenora, and Leonor.

Celebrity Connections:
Several celebrities have chosen the name Leonora for their daughters, adding to its allure and modern appeal.

Overall, Leonora is a beautiful and sophisticated name with a rich history and a meaningful message of light and brightness.