Meaning and origin of the name Liliána

Gender: Female
Also available in Czech, German, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish,

Liliána is used in

Czechia Austria Switzerland Germany Australia Canada United Kingdom United States Mexico Hungary Italy Lithuania Latvia Poland Brazil

Countries where Liliána has name day

Liliána is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Liliána's name day is Februari 25.
Liliána is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Liliána's name day is May 10.
Liliána is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Liliána's name day is May 10.
Liliána is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Liliána's name day is July 26.
Liliána is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Liliána's name day is Februari 14.
Liliána is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Liliána's name day is Mars 10.
Liliána is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Liliána's name day is Februari 14.


Liliána is a beautiful name of Hungarian origin. It is a variant of the name Lilian, which has Latin roots and means "pure" or "innocent". The name Liliána has a delicate and elegant sound, making it a popular choice for baby girls.

In Hungarian culture, names often have special meanings or connections to certain attributes believed to be desirable for the person bearing the name. The meaning of "pure" associated with Liliána may reflect qualities such as innocence, clarity, and sincerity.

The name Liliána has a timeless charm and a sophisticated flair, making it a lovely choice for parents seeking a name that is both classic and unique. Whether you have Hungarian heritage or simply appreciate the beauty of the name, Liliána is a wonderful option for a baby girl who is sure to bring joy and light into the world.
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