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Vardo Aura reikšmė ir kilmė

    Kilmė: Spanish    Mitologija: Greek

Aura vardadienis

Aura vardadienis Lietuvoje yra Liepos mėn 19 dieną.
Kitas Aura vardadienis bus po 127 dienų.


Kilme ir reikšme:
Aura yra gražus ir šmaikštus vardas, kiles iš lotynu kalbos žodžio, reiškiancio "veja" arba "kvapa". Šis vardas dažnai siejamas su šviesa, energija ir gyvybingumu. Aura gali simbolizuoti šviesa, kuri apgaubia žmogu arba jo aplinka, atnešdama ramybe ir šiluma.

Vardas Aura Lietuvoje:
Vardas Aura Lietuvoje yra gana retas, bet vis delto populiarejantis. Šis vardas yra unikalus ir išskirtinis, todel daugelis tevu renkasi ji savo dukroms. Aura gali buti prasmingas ir ypatingas pasirinkimas, kuris išskirs jusu vaika iš minios.

Šventes ir šventes:
Aura neturi konkreciu švenciu ar šventes Lietuvoje, taciau tai nereiškia, kad jis neturi savo ypatingos reikšmes ir svarbos savininkui. Vardas Aura gali buti puikus pasirinkimas kiekvienam, kuris vertina šviesa, energija ir gyvybinguma.

Aura Greek Mitologija

Aura was a gentle and benevolent goddess in Greek mythology, known for her association with gentle breezes and cool morning air. She was often depicted as a graceful and ethereal maiden, with flowing robes and windswept hair.


According to myth, Aura was the daughter of the Titans Lelantos and Periboa. She was believed to be a personification of the fresh, cool air that heralded the arrival of dawn. Her name comes from the Greek word for "breeze" or "breath."


As a minor goddess, Aura did not feature prominently in many myths. However, she was often invoked by sailors and travelers seeking safe journeys, as she was believed to guide and protect them with her gentle winds. Aura was also associated with the arrival of spring, bringing with her the renewal of life and growth.


In some accounts, Aura was said to be the mother of the wind gods Boreas, Zephyrus, Eurus, and Notus. She was also closely associated with the goddess of the dawn, Eos, and the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. Aura was revered for her connection to the natural world and her ability to bring peace and tranquility wherever she went.


Though she may not be as well-known as some of the major gods and goddesses of Greek mythology, Aura played an important role in the ancient world. Her presence was felt in the gentle rustling of leaves, the soft caress of a breeze, and the cool touch of morning air. Today, she remains a symbol of calm, serenity, and the beauty of the natural world.

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