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Vardo Varuna reikšmė ir kilmė

    Kilmė: India    Mitologija: Hindu

Varuna vardadienis

Varuna vardadienis Lietuvoje yra Kovas 17 dieną.
Kitas Varuna vardadienis bus po 152 dienų.



Kilme ir reikšme

Varuna yra vardas, kuris turi šaknis senoves Indijoje. Šis vardas kiles iš sanskrito kalbos ir yra susijes su dievu, kuris buvo laikomas dangaus ir vandens valdovu.


Varuna yra siejamas su vandeniu, teisingumu, tvarka bei dvasiniu valdymu. Šis vardas gali simbolizuoti galia, išminti bei harmonija. Tuo paciu metu jis gali reikšti ir ryši su gamta bei aplinka.


Varuna yra unikalus ir retas vardas, kuris gali buti pasirinktas kaip unikalus vardas jusu vaikui ar personažui. Šis vardas turi gilia reikšme ir gali buti puikus pasirinkimas siekiant išreikšti dvasini ar gamtos ryši.



In Hindu mythology, Varuna is the god of the celestial ocean, law, and order. He is one of the oldest Vedic deities and is considered one of the Adityas, the children of the goddess Aditi.

The Role of Varuna

Varuna is associated with the cosmic waters and is often depicted riding a makara, a mythical sea creature. He is responsible for maintaining the cosmic order and ensuring the laws of the universe are upheld.

Attributes and Symbols

Varuna is typically portrayed with a noose in one hand, symbolizing his power to capture and punish those who deviate from the cosmic order. He is also associated with the sun and is sometimes depicted with a crown and a lotus flower.

Mythological Stories

In Hindu mythology, Varuna is often invoked for protection and forgiveness. He is believed to have a watchful eye over the world and is known for his ability to see all that transpires, both good and bad.

Importance in Rituals

Devotees of Varuna often pray to him for blessings of prosperity, health, and protection. He is also invoked during rituals related to water, such as prayers for rain and the purification of sins.


Varuna plays a crucial role in Hindu mythology as the god of cosmic order and the celestial ocean. Devotees revere him for his power, wisdom, and ability to maintain balance in the universe.
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