Meaning and origin of the name Lubomír

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech, Polish,

Lubomír is used in

Bulgaria Czechia Poland Slovakia Serbia Ukraine

Countries where Lubomír has name day

Lubomír is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Lubomír's name day is June 28.
Lubomír is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Lubomír's name day is May 1.
Lubomír is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Lubomír's name day is August 13.



The name Lubomir comes from Slavic origins, specifically from the Czech and Slovak languages.


The name Lubomir is composed of two elements: "lub" meaning "love" or "dear" and "mir" meaning "peace" or "world." Therefore, Lubomir carries the beautiful meaning of "one who loves peace" or "peaceful love."

In some cultures, the name Lubomir is associated with qualities like harmony, kindness, and compassion.


The nameday for Lubomir varies depending on the country and tradition but is typically celebrated in honor of Saint Lubomir, a revered figure in some Christian communities.

If you know someone named Lubomir, cherish their serene nature and loving spirit that their name encapsulates.
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