Usage, description and more for Lubor
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Lubor is used in
Countries where Lubor has name day
Lubor has a name day in
Czechia and Lubor's next name day is September 13.
Lubor has a name day in
Poland and Lubor's next name day is September 13.
Lubor has a name day in
Slovakia and Lubor's next name day is September 24.
Lubor is a masculine given name with Slavic origins. The name Lubor is derived from the Slavic elements "lyuby" meaning "love" and "mir" meaning "peace". Therefore, the name Lubor can be interpreted to mean "one who loves peace" or "peaceful love".
In some Slavic countries, Lubor may be celebrated on a nameday, although the specific date can vary depending on the country and tradition. Namedays are often associated with saints or historical figures, and individuals named Lubor may choose to celebrate their nameday on a day that is significant to them.
The name Lubor is unique and carries a beautiful meaning that reflects qualities of love and peace. It is a name that exudes warmth and compassion, making it a wonderful choice for a baby boy. The cultural significance of the name adds to its charm and appeal, making it a special and meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with Slavic roots.