Meaning and origin of the name Luc

Gender: Male Female
Also available in French,

Luc is used in

Switzerland France Vietnam

Countries where Luc has name day

Luc is present in the name day calendar in France and Luc's name day is October 18.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Luc

The name Luc is of French and Latin origin. It is a variant of the name Lucas, which derives from the Latin name Lucas meaning "light" or "illumination".


While Luc is not as common as some other names, it carries a sense of uniqueness and sophistication. It is a name that stands out without being overly trendy.

Famous Namesakes

Several notable individuals bear the name Luc, including artists, athletes, and scholars. The name has a timeless quality that has been embraced by many accomplished individuals throughout history.

Personality Traits

Those named Luc are often described as intelligent, creative, and insightful. They have a natural ability to inspire others and bring light into the lives of those around them.

Celebrity Inspiration

With its elegant sound and meaningful origin, it's no surprise that the name Luc has been chosen by some celebrities for their children. Its simplicity and charm make it a popular choice for those seeking a name that is both classic and modern.

In conclusion, the name Luc carries with it a sense of brightness and positivity. Whether you choose it for its French flair or its Latin roots, Luc is a name that exudes warmth and light.
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