Usage, description and more for Lucie
Gender: Female
Origin: French
Also available in
Lucie is used in
United States
Countries where Lucie has name day
Lucie has a name day in
Czechia and Lucie's next name day is December 13.
Lucie has a name day in
France and Lucie's next name day is December 13.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Lucie
The name Lucie is of Latin origin, derived from the name Lucia. It is the feminine form of the Latin name Lucius, which means "light" or "illumination."
Popularity and Variants
Lucie is a popular name in various countries and is often used as a variant of the more common name Lucia. Variants of the name include Lucy, Lucille, and Lucinda.
Famous Namesakes
Several notable individuals bear the name Lucie, including the American actress Lucie Arnaz and the British singer-songwriter Lucie Silvas. These talented women have brought recognition to the name Lucie in the entertainment industry.
Personality Traits
Individuals named Lucie are often described as creative, intelligent, and compassionate. They have a strong sense of empathy and are known for their ability to bring light and positivity into the lives of others.
Celebrity Connections
With its elegant sound and timeless appeal, the name Lucie has been chosen by several celebrities for their daughters. Its classic charm and sophisticated aura make it a popular choice among parents seeking a name that exudes grace and beauty.