Meaning and origin of the name Luís

Gender: Male
Also available in German,

Luís is used in

Switzerland Germany Canada Philippines United States Mexico Brazil Portugal

Countries where Luís has name day

Luís is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Luís's name day is August 25.


Luis is a popular name of Spanish origin. It is the Spanish form of the name Louis, which is derived from the Germanic name Hludowig, meaning "famous warrior" or "renowned fighter". The name Luis has a long history and has been used by royalty and nobility throughout Europe.

In addition to its Spanish roots, Luis is also a common name in other countries with Spanish-speaking populations, such as Mexico, Argentina, and the Philippines. The name has a strong and masculine sound, making it a timeless choice for boys.

People named Luis are often described as charismatic, confident, and natural leaders. They tend to be ambitious and determined individuals who are not afraid to take on challenges. With its rich history and positive associations, Luis is a name that carries a sense of strength and honor.
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