Usage, description and more for Lysann

Gender: Female    Origin: DE Germany
Also available in German,

Lysann is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Lysann

The name Lysann is of German origin and is a variation of the name Lisanne.


The name Lysann is derived from the Hebrew name Elisheva, which means "God is my oath" or "God of plenty".


The name Lysann is not a very common name and is considered unique and rare. It is a beautiful and feminine name that carries a sense of strength and devotion.

Personality Traits

Individuals named Lysann are often described as determined, loyal, and compassionate. They enjoy helping others and are known for their strong sense of integrity.

Celebrities with the Name

While there may not be many well-known public figures with the name Lysann, those who bear this name often leave a lasting impression with their kindness and generosity.

Overall, the name Lysann carries a sense of grace and uniqueness, making it a special choice for those looking for a name with a deep meaning and a touch of elegance.