Meaning and origin of the name Lyuben‎

Gender: Male Female
Also available in Bulgarian,

Lyuben‎ is used in


Countries where Lyuben‎ has name day

Lyuben‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Lyuben‎'s name day is September 17.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Lyuben

The name Lyuben is of Bulgarian origin and is a variant of the name "Lyubomir." The name is derived from the Slavic elements "lyub" meaning "love" and "mir" meaning "peace" or "world." Therefore, the name Lyuben carries the beautiful meaning of "one who is beloved and brings peace."

In Bulgarian culture, names often have significant meanings and are chosen with care to reflect positive qualities or aspirations for the individual. Lyuben embodies the ideals of love and harmony, making it a meaningful and endearing name for a child.

Those named Lyuben are believed to possess a kind and loving nature, bringing joy and tranquility to those around them. The name carries a sense of warmth and affection, symbolizing the importance of love and unity in one's life.

If you or someone you know bears the name Lyuben, take pride in the significance of your name and the positive qualities it represents. Embrace the essence of love and peace that is inherent in the name, and let it guide you in spreading happiness and goodwill wherever you go.
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