Meaning and origin of the name Léger

Also available in German, French,

Léger is used in

Germany France

Countries where Léger has name day

Léger is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Léger's name day is October 3.
Léger is present in the name day calendar in France and Léger's name day is October 2.


Origin: The name Leger is of French origin.


The name Leger is derived from the French word "léger," which means "light" or "free."

Leger is a name that signifies qualities such as agility, freedom, and brightness. Those named Leger are often seen as energetic and easy-going individuals.

In some cultures, Leger may also symbolize a sense of weightlessness and carefreeness.

If you come across someone with the name Leger, you might find them to be lively, spirited, and full of vitality.

Overall, the name Leger carries a sense of positivity and lightness, making it a charming choice for a name.

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