Meaning and origin of the name Lýdie

Also available in Czech, French,

Lýdie is used in

Czechia France

Countries where Lýdie has name day

Lýdie is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Lýdie's name day is December 14.
Lýdie is present in the name day calendar in France and Lýdie's name day is August 3.


Origin: The name Lýdie is of Greek origin, derived from the name Lydia.


The name Lýdie is often associated with the ancient kingdom of Lydia in Asia Minor. It is believed to mean "beautiful one" or "noble one" in Greek. The name carries connotations of grace, elegance, and strength.

Nameday: The name Lýdie may have a designated nameday in certain cultures, typically celebrated in honor of Saint Lydia, a prominent figure mentioned in the New Testament.

In modern times, Lýdie is a unique and sophisticated name that exudes a sense of history and charm. Its Greek roots lend it a timeless appeal, making it a distinctive choice for parents seeking a name with character and significance.
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