Meaning and origin of the name Mael

Gender: Male
Also available in French,

Mael is used in

Switzerland Ireland United States France

Countries where Mael has name day

Mael is present in the name day calendar in France and Mael's name day is May 13.


Mael is a unique and charming name of Breton origin. In Breton, Mael means "chief" or "prince," reflecting qualities of leadership and nobility. This name carries a sense of strength and authority, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name with a strong and distinguished sound.

The name Mael has a rich history in Celtic culture, where it is often associated with heroic figures and legends. Its ancient roots give it a sense of tradition and heritage, adding depth and significance to the name.

Mael is a timeless and elegant name that carries a sense of power and prestige. Its Breton origins and meaningful definition make it a wonderful choice for those looking for a name with a touch of regal flair.
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