Usage, description and more for Maigunn

Gender: Female    Origin: NO Norway
Also available in Norwegian Bokmål,

Maigunn is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Maigunn

Maigunn is a Norwegian name that combines two elements: "Mai," which means "May" in Norwegian, and "gunn," which comes from the Old Norse name Gunnr, meaning "battle" or "war." Therefore, Maigunn can be loosely translated as "May battle" or "warrior of May."

Popularity and Usage

While Maigunn is not a widely used name, it carries a strong and unique meaning that may appeal to parents looking for a distinctive name for their child. Its Norwegian origin adds to its charm and cultural significance.

Personality Traits

Individuals named Maigunn are often described as determined, courageous, and passionate. They possess a warrior-like spirit and are not afraid to face challenges head-on. Their strong sense of independence and desire for success make them natural leaders.

Celebrities and Famous Namesakes

While there may not be notable public figures with the name Maigunn, its uniqueness and powerful meaning make it a standout choice for those seeking a name with character and strength.

Overall Impression

Maigunn is a name that exudes strength, determination, and individuality. Its Norwegian roots and warrior-like meaning make it a compelling choice for parents looking to bestow a name that reflects qualities of bravery and resilience.