Meaning and origin of the name Mais

Gender: Female

Mais is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Mais

The name Mais is of Arabic origin and is commonly used for boys. It is derived from the Arabic word "مَيْس" (Mais), which means "a lion" or "one who is brave and strong." The name carries connotations of courage, power, and leadership.

In Arabic culture, lions are often symbolized as fierce and noble creatures, representing strength and bravery. Therefore, the name Mais is associated with these attributes, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that embodies qualities of courage and resilience.

Despite being traditionally a boy's name, Mais can also be used as a unisex name in some cultures, reflecting its strong and empowering meaning. Whether given to a boy or a girl, Mais conveys a sense of determination and fearlessness that can inspire those who bear the name to face challenges with confidence and fortitude.
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