Meaning and origin of the name Majeed

Gender: Male

Majeed is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Majeed

The name Majeed is of Arabic origin. It is a popular name in various Arabic-speaking countries and communities around the world.


The name Majeed holds a significant meaning in Arabic. It is often interpreted as "glorious," "noble," or "praiseworthy." The name reflects positive qualities and attributes, symbolizing honor and respect.


Majeed is a name that carries a sense of dignity and admiration. It is chosen by parents who wish to bestow upon their child a name that signifies greatness and excellence. The name has a timeless appeal and is cherished by many families for its profound meaning.

Cultural Significance

In Arabic culture, names hold a special significance and are often chosen based on their meanings. The name Majeed exemplifies virtues that are highly valued in society, such as honor, integrity, and distinction. It embodies the aspirations of parents for their child to lead a life of significance and respect.

Overall, the name Majeed is a beautiful choice for those seeking a name that conveys dignity, praise, and magnificence. Its rich cultural heritage and positive connotations make it a meaningful and impactful name for a child.
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