Meaning and origin of the name Malde

Malde is used in


Countries where Malde has name day

Malde is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Malde's name day is Mars 14.


The name Malde has its origins in various cultures around the world, including Scandinavia and the Middle East.


Malde has different meanings depending on its cultural background. In Scandinavian countries, it is thought to be derived from the Old Norse word "mál," meaning "speech" or "language." In the Middle East, it can be associated with various meanings, such as "graceful" or "noble."

The nameday for Malde is not commonly celebrated, but it can vary depending on the specific cultural context in which the name is used.

Overall, Malde is a unique and versatile name with a rich history that carries different meanings across different regions and traditions.
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