Meaning and origin of the name Manuil‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Manuil‎ is used in

Bulgaria Romania

Countries where Manuil‎ has name day

Manuil‎ is present in the name day calendar in Romania and Manuil‎'s name day is June 17.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Manuil

The name Manuil has origins in Greek and Hebrew. In Greek, it is derived from the name "Manouel," which comes from the Hebrew name "Emmanuel." The Hebrew name means "God is with us," emphasizing divine presence and protection.

In various cultures, the name Manuil is associated with strength, faith, and guidance. It signifies a belief in the presence of a higher power and the assurance of divine support in times of need.

Those named Manuil are often described as resilient individuals who face challenges with courage and perseverance. They are known for their unwavering faith and their ability to inspire and support others in their journey.

Overall, Manuil is a name that embodies the qualities of faith, strength, and divine connection, making it a meaningful choice for individuals seeking to express their spiritual beliefs and values through their name.
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