Usage, description and more for Maria-àngels

Gender: Female    Origin: ES Spain
Also available in Catalan,

Maria-àngels is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Maria-àngels

The name Maria-àngels is a combination of two names: Maria and Àngels.


The name Maria has its roots in Hebrew and is a variant of the name Mary. It is a popular name in various cultures and holds significant religious importance, particularly in Christianity.

The name Àngels is of Catalan origin and is the plural form of Àngel, which means "angel" in Catalan. It is often used as a given name, especially in Catalan-speaking regions.


Maria is commonly interpreted as "wished for child" or "rebelliousness" in Hebrew. It also carries connotations of grace and beauty.

Àngels, derived from the word "angel," symbolizes spiritual beings associated with God and goodness. It represents purity, protection, and guidance.

Overall, the name Maria-àngels combines the timeless elegance of Maria with the celestial connotations of Àngels, creating a beautiful and meaningful name that reflects grace, beauty, and divine presence.