Meaning and origin of the name Mariann

Gender: Female

Mariann is used in

Estonia Hungary Norway Belgium

Countries where Mariann has name day

Mariann is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Mariann's name day is September 8.
Mariann is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Mariann's name day is April 27.
Mariann is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Mariann's name day is November 21.


Mariann is a lovely name with Hungarian origin. It is a variant of the name Marian, which comes from the Latin name Marianus, meaning "of the sea" or "sea of bitterness". The name is often associated with qualities such as grace, strength, and beauty.

In Hungary, Mariann is a popular name for girls and is often celebrated with special traditions. Namedays are commonly observed in Hungary, and Mariann may have a designated day for celebration.

The name Mariann carries a sense of elegance and sophistication, making it a timeless choice for parents seeking a classic and meaningful name for their daughter. Whether you have Hungarian roots or simply appreciate the beauty of the name, Mariann is a wonderful choice for a baby girl.
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