Meaning and origin of the name Marielle

Gender: Female
Also available in French, Norwegian Bokmål,

Marielle is used in

Switzerland France Norway Netherlands

Countries where Marielle has name day

Marielle is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Marielle's name day is August 15.


Marielle is a beautiful and enchanting name of French origin. It is a variant of the name Marie, which is derived from the Hebrew name Miryam. The name Marielle holds deep historical and biblical significance, as Miryam was the sister of Moses in the Old Testament. The name is often associated with meanings such as "beloved" or "wished-for child."


The name Marielle has its roots in France, where it has been a popular choice for baby girls for many years. It has a melodic and elegant sound that appeals to many parents seeking a name that is both classic and unique. The name has also gained popularity in other parts of the world due to its timeless charm and graceful flair.


The name Marielle is often interpreted as meaning "sea of bitterness" or "rebelliousness" due to its Hebrew origins. However, it is more commonly associated with positive meanings such as "beloved" or "wished-for child." The name embodies qualities of love, grace, and beauty, making it a perfect choice for a baby girl destined to bring joy and happiness to those around her.

In conclusion, Marielle is a name that exudes elegance and charm, with a rich history and profound meanings that add depth and significance to its bearer. Whether you are drawn to its French roots, biblical connections, or simply its alluring sound, Marielle is a name that is sure to enchant and delight for generations to come.
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