Usage, description and more for Mariùs

Gender: Male     Origin: Latin
Also available in German, Catalan, French, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch,

Mariùs is used in

DKDenmark ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany ESSpain FRFrance LTLithuania NONorway BEBelgium NLNetherlands RORomania

Countries where Mariùs has name day

Mariùs has a name day in ATAustria and Mariùs's next name day is January 4 (next year).
Mariùs has a name day in FRFrance and Mariùs's next name day is January 19 (next year).
Mariùs has a name day in NONorway and Mariùs's next name day is January 19 (next year).


Marius is a Latin name that originated from ancient Rome. The name is derived from the Roman god of war, Mars, making Marius mean "of Mars" or "warlike." In Roman mythology, Mars was considered the god of agriculture as well as of war, embodying qualities of strength, courage, and protection.

In addition to its Roman origins, Marius has been used in various European countries and has gained popularity worldwide. The name carries a strong and masculine connotation, reflecting characteristics of bravery and leadership.

Throughout history, individuals bearing the name Marius have been known for their determination and resilience. The name has a timeless appeal and continues to be favored by parents looking for a name that exudes strength and nobility.

Whether you appreciate the historical significance of Roman mythology or simply admire the powerful sound of the name, Marius remains a classic choice with a rich and meaningful heritage.