Usage, description and more for Mathaios
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Countries where Mathaios has name day
Mathaios has a name day in
Greece and Mathaios's next name day is November 13.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Mathaios
The name Mathaios has its origins in Greek and is derived from the Hebrew name "Mattityahu," which means "gift of God" or "gift from Yahweh." In English, the name is commonly translated as Matthew.
Characteristics of Individuals Named Mathaios
Those named Mathaios are often seen as intelligent, analytical, and detail-oriented individuals. They have a strong sense of responsibility and are known for their reliability and loyalty.
Famous Personalities with the Name Mathaios
Notable individuals with the name Mathaios include Saint Matthew, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ and the author of the first Gospel in the New Testament.
Celebrating Mathaios
Those named Mathaios often celebrate their name day with family and friends, honoring the legacy of Saint Matthew and embracing the qualities associated with the name.