Usage, description and more for Matěj
Gender: Male
Serbia and Montenegro (Former)
Also available in
Matěj is used in
North Macedonia
Countries where Matěj has name day
Matěj has a name day in
Czechia and Matěj's next name day is Februari 24 (next year).
Matěj has a name day in
Croatia and Matěj's next name day is September 21.
Matěj has a name day in
Slovakia and Matěj's next name day is Februari 24 (next year).
Matej is a masculine name with Slavic origins, particularly popular in Eastern European countries such as Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Slovenia. The name is derived from the Greek name "Matthaios," which means "gift of God" or "gift from God." It is a variant of the more commonly known name Matthew.
In some countries, Matej is celebrated on a nameday, typically following the feast day of Saint Matthew, who was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. The name has biblical significance and is often associated with qualities such as wisdom, strength, and divine favor.
Those named Matej are believed to possess leadership qualities, a strong sense of morality, and a deep spiritual connection. The name carries a sense of responsibility and dedication, reflecting the virtues of its biblical origins.
Overall, Matej is a meaningful and timeless name that resonates with individuals seeking to embody qualities of faith, integrity, and divine guidance in their lives.