Meaning and origin of the name Maurílio

Gender: Male

Maurílio is used in

Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Maurílio has name day

Maurílio is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Maurílio's name day is September 13.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Maurílio

Maurílio is a name of Latin origin.
The name Maurílio is derived from the Latin name Maurilius, which itself comes from the Roman name Maurus meaning "dark-skinned" or "Moorish." It is a name that conveys strength and uniqueness.

The name Maurílio carries a sense of history and tradition, reflecting its Latin roots. It is a name that is both classic and distinctive, making it a popular choice for those seeking a name with character and depth.
Overall, Maurílio is a name that exudes strength and individuality, making it a meaningful choice for a child.
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