Usage, description and more for Meinrad
Also available in
Meinrad is used in
Countries where Meinrad has name day
Meinrad has a name day in
Austria and Meinrad's next name day is June 14.
Meinrad has a name day in
Germany and Meinrad's next name day is June 14.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Meinrad
The name Meinrad is of Germanic origin and is derived from the elements "magin", meaning "strength", and "rad", meaning "counsel". The name carries the combined meaning of "strong counselor" or "brave advisor".
The nameday for Meinrad may vary depending on the region and tradition, as it is not as commonly celebrated as some other names. However, it is often associated with Saint Meinrad, a hermit and martyr who lived in Switzerland during the 9th century.
In modern times, Meinrad is a unique and distinctive name that carries a sense of strength and wisdom. It is a great choice for parents looking for a name with historical significance and a touch of nobility.