Meaning and origin of the name Melita

Gender: Female

Melita is used in

Estonia Latvia

Countries where Melita has name day

Melita is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Melita's name day is August 9.
Melita is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Melita's name day is Februari 13.


Melita is a charming name of Latin origin that means "honey-sweet" or "beloved." It is a name with a rich history and a sweet, melodic sound.


The name Melita has Latin roots and is derived from the word "mel" which means honey. It is a name that exudes warmth and sweetness.


The name Melita carries the beautiful meaning of "honey-sweet" or "beloved." It reflects qualities of sweetness, affection, and endearment.


The nameday for Melita may vary depending on cultural or religious traditions.

Celebrate the uniqueness of the name Melita and the sweetness it brings with its delightful meaning.
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