Meaning and origin of the name Mellisa

Gender: Female

Mellisa is used in

Unknown Region


Mellisa is a charming name of Greek origin, derived from the name Melissa, meaning "bee". In Greek mythology, Melissa was a nymph who cared for a young Zeus, feeding him honey. The name Mellisa has connotations of sweetness, hard work, and community, symbolized by the industrious bee.

The name Mellisa has been used in various cultures and languages around the world, often representing qualities such as diligence, loyalty, and vitality. It is a popular choice for parents looking for a name that is both elegant and meaningful.

If you are considering the name Mellisa for your child, you may be drawn to its rich history and positive associations. Whether inspired by Greek mythology or simply by the image of a busy bee, Mellisa is a name that carries a sense of purpose and vitality.
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