Meaning and origin of the name Meryl

Gender: Female

Meryl is used in

Unknown Region


The name Meryl is of Welsh origin and means "bright sea." It is a variant of the name Muriel, which has Celtic roots. Meryl is a feminine name that exudes elegance and grace.

In Welsh mythology, the sea is often associated with mystery and beauty, making Meryl a name that evokes a sense of enchantment and allure. Those with the name Meryl are believed to possess a strong connection to the water element and may have a calming presence.

Individuals named Meryl are often known for their creativity, sensitivity, and intuition. They have a natural ability to navigate the depths of emotions and are compassionate towards others.

Overall, Meryl is a name steeped in mystique and charm, perfect for someone who shines brightly like the sea itself.
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