Meaning and origin of the name Mikhail‎

Gender: Male

Mikhail‎ is used in

Bulgaria Unknown Region


Mikhail is a popular name of Russian origin, derived from the Hebrew name "Michael." The name Mikhail means "Who is like God?" or "God-like." It is a strong and timeless name that has been popular in various cultures around the world.


The name Mikhail has its roots in the Hebrew name "Michael," which comes from the question "Mi-cha-el," meaning "Who is like God?" The name has been used in various forms and spellings in different languages, including English (Michael), Spanish (Miguel), and French (Michel).


The name Mikhail signifies strength, leadership, and divine protection. It is often associated with archangels and is considered a powerful and noble name with religious connotations. People named Mikhail are believed to possess qualities of courage, determination, and a strong sense of justice.


The name Mikhail has been a popular choice for boys in Russia and other Slavic countries. It has also gained popularity in other parts of the world due to its strong and meaningful connotations. With its rich history and timeless appeal, Mikhail continues to be a favored name for many parents seeking a name with depth and significance.
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