Meaning and origin of the name Mikk

Gender: Male

Mikk is used in


Countries where Mikk has name day

Mikk is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Mikk's name day is September 29.


Mikk is a unique name with Estonian origins. It is a variant of the name "Mikael" or "Michael" and is commonly used as a short form in Estonia.

Meaning of the name

The name Mikk is derived from the Hebrew name "Michael," which means "Who is like God?" This name has strong biblical roots and is often associated with qualities such as strength, leadership, and protection.


In Estonia, Mikk may have a designated nameday based on the local calendar or traditions. Namedays are special occasions in some cultures where individuals celebrate their name's association with a specific date on the calendar.

Whether chosen for its historical significance or its modern appeal, Mikk is a name that carries a sense of strength and reverence. Its Estonian origin adds a touch of uniqueness, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with both tradition and individuality.
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