Meaning and origin of the name Mladen‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Mladen‎ is used in

Bulgaria Switzerland Croatia Serbia

Countries where Mladen‎ has name day

Mladen‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Mladen‎'s name day is Februari 8.
Mladen‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Mladen‎'s name day is May 3.
Mladen‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Mladen‎'s name day is June 1.
Mladen‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Mladen‎'s name day is July 2.
Mladen‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Mladen‎'s name day is December 28.


Mladen is a Slavic name that is commonly used in countries such as Croatia, Serbia, and Bulgaria. It is derived from the Slavic element "mlad" which means "young" or "youthful". The name reflects qualities of vitality, energy, and freshness.

In Slavic cultures, the name Mladen is often associated with characteristics such as strength, courage, and resilience. It is a popular choice for baby boys and is considered a traditional and timeless name with a strong and noble sound.

The name Mladen carries a sense of optimism and promise, symbolizing the beginning of new adventures and opportunities. It is a name that embodies the spirit of youth and potential, making it a fitting choice for parents who wish to bestow their child with qualities of vitality and vigor.

Overall, Mladen is a name with a rich cultural heritage and a deep-rooted significance in Slavic traditions. Its meaning of "young" serves as a reminder of the endless possibilities and bright future that lie ahead for those who bear this name.
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Meaning Mladen‎ - Origin Mladen‎ - History Mladen‎ - Given name Mladen‎ - First name Mladen‎ - Baby name Mladen‎ - Mladen‎ meaning - Mladen‎ name meaning - Mladen‎ origin - What nationality is the name Mladen‎? - Where comes the name Mladen‎ from? - Name day Mladen‎ - Mladen‎ name day - When is Mladen‎'s name day?