Meaning and origin of the name Mojmir

Also available in Czech, Polish,

Mojmir is used in

Czechia Poland Slovakia

Countries where Mojmir has name day

Mojmir is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Mojmir's name day is Februari 10.
Mojmir is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Mojmir's name day is September 3.
Mojmir is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Mojmir's name day is August 14.


Mojmir is a Slavic name derived from the elements "moi" meaning "gracious" and "miru" meaning "peace". The name carries the beautiful meaning of "gracious peace". It is a name with a strong and positive connotation.


The name Mojmir has Slavic origins, particularly popular in countries like Czech Republic and Slovakia. It reflects the rich cultural heritage of the Slavic people.


The name Mojmir symbolizes qualities such as gracefulness and peacefulness. It is a name that conveys a sense of harmony and kindness.

Mojmir is a unique and meaningful name that can be a wonderful choice for parents looking for a name with a positive message and a touch of Slavic heritage.
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