Meaning and origin of the name Máire

Gender: Female
Also available in Estonian,

Máire is used in

Ireland Estonia Finland

Countries where Máire has name day

Máire is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Máire's name day is August 1.
Máire is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Máire's name day is August 1.


Origin: Maire is a feminine given name of Irish and Gaelic origin.


The name Maire means "bitter" or "rebellious", deriving from the Hebrew name "Mary" and its variant "Maria". In Irish, Maire is the equivalent of the name Mary.


The name Maire may have variations in spelling depending on the region or language it is used in. Namedays for Maire might be celebrated in regions with Irish or Gaelic influence.

Fun Fact: Maire is a name with a rich history and is often associated with qualities of strength and resilience. It is a popular name in Ireland and other countries with Gaelic roots.

Overall, Maire is a name with a deep-rooted history and a powerful meaning that carries a sense of strength and determination.
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