Meaning and origin of the name Mário

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian, German, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Italian,

Mário is used in

Bulgaria Switzerland Germany Canada United Kingdom United States Spain Mexico Estonia France Croatia Hungary Italy Netherlands Brazil Portugal

Countries where Mário has name day

Mário is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Mário's name day is January 19.
Mário is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Mário's name day is January 19.
Mário is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Mário's name day is December 19.
Mário is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Mário's name day is January 19.
Mário is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Mário's name day is January 19.
Mário is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Mário's name day is January 19.


Mário is a male given name of Portuguese origin. It is derived from the Latin name Marius, which means "male, manly." The name Mário has a strong and noble connotation, symbolizing qualities such as strength, courage, and masculinity. It has been a popular name in Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries for centuries.

In addition to its Latin roots, the name Mário may also have connections to the ancient Roman god of war, Mars, further emphasizing its association with bravery and valor. Mário is a timeless and classic name that exudes a sense of dignity and power. Its popularity continues to endure, making it a favored choice for parents seeking a name that reflects strength and character.

If you are considering the name Mário for your child, you are selecting a name with a rich history and a profound meaning. Whether inspired by its Latin origins or its connection to the god of war, Mário is a name that carries a sense of tradition and honor. Embrace the heritage and significance of the name Mário as you bestow it upon your son, embodying the virtues it represents.
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