Meaning and origin of the name Máté

Also available in Hungarian,

Máté is used in

Croatia Hungary

Countries where Máté has name day

Máté is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Máté's name day is May 14.
Máté is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Máté's name day is September 21.


Máté is a popular Hungarian name for boys. It is derived from the Latin name "Matthaeus," which ultimately comes from the Greek name "Matthaios." The name has biblical origins, as it is the Hungarian equivalent of Matthew, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ.

In Hungarian culture, Máté is a name that symbolizes strength, wisdom, and faith. It is often associated with qualities such as intelligence, loyalty, and leadership. The name has a long history in Hungary and is still commonly used today.

Namedays are an important tradition in Hungarian culture, and Máté has a designated nameday in the calendar. People named Máté celebrate their nameday on a specific date each year, which is a special occasion for them and their loved ones.

Overall, Máté is a meaningful and timeless name that carries with it a sense of tradition and heritage. Its strong biblical roots and positive connotations make it a popular choice for parents looking for a name that reflects values of faith and virtue.
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