Meaning and origin of the name Märtha

Gender: Female
Also available in German, Norwegian Bokmål,

Märtha is used in

Denmark Austria Germany Greece Australia Canada Kenya United States Norway

Countries where Märtha has name day

Märtha is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Märtha's name day is January 19.
Märtha is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Märtha's name day is July 29.
Märtha is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Märtha's name day is January 19.
Märtha is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Märtha's name day is July 29.
Märtha is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Märtha's name day is June 4.
Märtha is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Märtha's name day is October 25.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Märtha

The name Märtha is of Scandinavian origin and is derived from the Old Norse name "Marta," which means "lady" or "mistress." In some cultures, it is also believed to signify "the lady of the house" or a person who is noble and dignified.

Popularity and Variations

Märtha is a unique and elegant name that is not very common. It is popular in Scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Norway. Variations of the name include Marta, Martha, and Marthe.

Famous Namesakes

Throughout history, there have been several notable individuals with the name Märtha. One of the most well-known is Princess Märtha of Norway, who was known for her philanthropic work and her role during World War II.

Celebrity Connections

In modern times, the name Märtha has been chosen by some celebrities for their children, adding to its charm and appeal.

Overall, Märtha is a name with a rich history and a touch of royalty, making it a wonderful choice for parents looking for a name that is both classic and distinctive.
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