Meaning and origin of the name Natasa

Gender: Female
Also available in Czech, Greek,

Natasa is used in

Czechia Switzerland Greece Slovakia Serbia

Countries where Natasa has name day

Natasa is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Natasa's name day is May 18.
Natasa is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Natasa's name day is December 20.
Natasa is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Natasa's name day is January 17.


Natasa is a beautiful name of Greek origin, derived from the name Natasha. It is a variant of the name Natalia, which comes from the Latin word "natalis," meaning "of or relating to birth." This name is often associated with qualities such as grace, strength, and elegance.

In Greek culture, the name Natasa is commonly used, and it carries a sense of warmth and friendliness. People named Natasa are believed to be caring, compassionate, and empathetic individuals who value their relationships with others. The name reflects a sense of nurturing and support, making it a popular choice for baby girls.

The name Natasa has a timeless appeal and a classic charm that suits people of all ages. Whether you are considering this name for your child or simply appreciate its meaning and origin, Natasa is a lovely choice that embodies the essence of new beginnings and a bright future.
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