Norske navn som begynner med:

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - Š - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Ž - Å - Ä - Ö - Ø

Betydning og opprinnelse for navnet Delling

Kjønn: Mann     Opprinnelse: Norway    Mytologi: Norse


Delling er et nordisk mannsnavn med opprinnelse i norrøn mytologi. Navnet stammer fra gammelnorsk og betyr "den lysnende" eller "den strålende". Ifølge mytologien var Delling en jotun, eller en gigant, som var gift med nattens personifikasjon, Nótt. Sammen fikk de en sønn ved navn Dag, som symboliserte dagen og lyset.

Delling blir ofte assosiert med morgengryet og soloppgangen på grunn av betydningen av navnet og hans rolle som far til Dag, personifikasjonen av dagen. Navnet har en kraftig og symbolsk betydning knyttet til lys og begynnelsen av en ny dag.

I dag blir Delling sjelden brukt som et vanlig navn, men det kan være et spesielt og unikt valg for de som er interessert i norrøn mytologi eller liker navn med dypere symbolikk.



Delling is a figure in Norse mythology who is associated with dawn and the passage of time. He is said to be the father of the personified dawn, known as Dagr, and the husband of the night, Nótt. Delling's name is thought to mean "shining one" or "luminous" in Old Norse, reflecting his connection to the light of dawn.

The Origin of Delling

According to Norse mythology, Delling is of the race of the gods, and his lineage is not fully explored in surviving sources. He is considered a minor deity compared to major figures like Odin or Thor. Delling's role in the pantheon revolves around the cyclical nature of time, with his marriage to Nótt representing the transition from night to day.

Family Connections

Delling's son, Dagr, is the personification of day and is responsible for driving the chariot that carries the sun across the sky. Dagr's sister, Jörð, is the personification of the earth. Through his marriage to Nótt, Delling is also the stepfather of Auðr, the personification of wealth.

Symbolism and Meaning

Delling's association with dawn symbolizes new beginnings, renewal, and the promise of each day. The transition from night to day that he embodies reflects the eternal cycle of time and the inevitability of change. In Norse mythology, the passage of time is a central theme, and Delling's role underscores the importance of embracing both light and darkness.

Legacy and Influence

While Delling may not be as well-known as other gods and goddesses in Norse mythology, his presence in the stories of the gods highlights the complexity and richness of the pantheon. As a symbol of the dawn, Delling reminds us of the constant renewal and potential for growth in every new day.

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